January 23, 2025

Experiments, laboratories, workshops. Night of European Researchers in the Open Campus of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. Entrance is free. Program and map

TIMISOARA. Unique event in Romania, in Timisoara. The Open Campus Night will take place on Saturday, September 28, from 18:00, as part of the Night of European Researchers, on the campus of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, and offers a series of laboratories, exhibitions, art installations and workshops with free access.

The three proposed routes: Science and Research, Interaction and Connection, Art – invite the general public to explore science and art in a unique way, to create their own map according to their preferences and curiosities.

The Night of the Open Campus is a context in which the curious can explore the university unhindered, they can walk through the buildings of the faculties, they can enter the laboratories to see the latest generation equipment in all fields and they will receive explanations.

We have prepared over 60 scientific, artistic and community micro-activities that the public can go through at will, according to their own interests and curiosities. For one evening, the local community gathers on a university campus and celebrates science.

From the list of events, we recommend a visit to the UPT Technical Museum, the place where the stories of Timisoara come to life. Here you can explore: the stories of the people and 5 historical districts of Timisoara, interactive edutainment, mobile and mixed reality applications; 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐜𝐀𝐈 𝐀𝐀𝐈𝐍: a dynamic virtual garden with virtual plants and mushrooms (artists: Anna Dumitriu & Alex May, in collaboration with CAPABLE Project and BioArt Revolution); The center for the interactive presentation of physical phenomena ExperimentariumTM – where you can discover physical phenomena through experiments that allow participants to become active explorers and much more“, says Alexandru Luca, Director of the UPT University Marketing Department.

Another attraction of the evening will be the “Portalul Orasului Paralel” space, made in the premises of the Faculty of Construction, in the foundation testing hall for the scenography of the theater performance Orasul Paralel: Party in Elisabetin.

The portal contains several immersive attractions such as: the Labyrinth of Mirrors, the Forest of Whispers, the Fountain of Time, the Ocean of Continuity and the Land of Desires which can be visited during the rehearsals for the show “Parallel City: Party in Elisabetin” which will be played on October 1 and 2.

Anda Maier, architect and lighting designer, prepared “Luminis”, a temporary lighting installation that reconfigures the greenhouse of the UPT Polytechnic Campus into a space transformed by the dynamics of light and colors. During the day, the installation offers a constantly changing chromatic landscape, suggesting the interaction between bodies and light, and at night, the greenhouse becomes a lightbox, emitting vibrant shades and shadows. Thus, this project reimagines the greenhouse not only as a place of biological cultivation, but also as a sensory ecosystem, where light becomes the primary force that resonates with the natural rhythms of life.

Artist Matei Bejenaru brings researchers from local institutions to the public’s attention. Personalities who are not famous, although they have remarkable achievements, and who should be known and recognized will be presented through a series of documentary photos in their work spaces and scientific creation.

The exhibition “Sci-art your life! – Art and science experiments at MV sci-art” transforms the space of the center into an epicenter of art, science and experiment, offering the public an interactive and educational experience. The exhibition presents works that integrate technology as a medium of artistic and scientific expression, challenging visitors to reflect on the nature of human existence and the world around them. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience virtual reality using Meta Oculus VR glasses – an alternative reality created at the intersection of imagination, drawing and digital engineering. These immersive experiences demonstrate the power of technology to expand the limits of human perception and transport us into a new dimension, where the possibilities are unlimited.

The invisible structures of the world around us can also be explored with the help of the microscope. This exercise of observing microorganisms, cells or tissues, provokes the discovery of the depth of our world, as well as the unseen layers that comprise it. At the same time, there will be the opportunity to explore the starry sky with the help of the telescope.

Under the slogan Don’t wait for the answers, look for the questions!Open Campus Night represents an invitation to connection, vulnerability, involvement and openness. The map of the event includes all spaces and activities, for a better orientation in time and space. Visitors will also receive a printed map on the spot to be up-to-date in real time with the evening’s attractions and to be able to choose the activities they want to participate in.

More details about activities and program HERE!
Facebook event HERE!

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