January 22, 2025

“From Tribes to TikTok”: Youth, challenged with science, education and technology. 16 unique days in Braşov

The third edition of SETbv, the first science and education festival in Braşov, officially opened on Tuesday, October 8. There will be, in total, 16 days of educational, cultural and scientific events, in several locations in Braşov, but also in the online environment, until December 17.
Artificial Intelligence, climate education, philosophy, journalism, anthropology, but also the innovative world of science are just some of the themes chosen for this edition. “Think in the future” is the expression that best reflects the orientation and spirit of the festival, opening up to people and bringing their ideas and aspirations to a public stage, where dialogues take place under the sign rationality and tolerance.
The event is organized by the District Hub Association and the Apollonia Cultural Center

SETbv dialogues
Alexandru Pogăciaş opens, on October 18, the SETbv Dialogues series and proposes a foray into the language of history. In an event moderated by Andrei Pena, the participants are challenged to find out to what extent history is a reconstruction of the past through the lens of the present.
On October 19, Emanuel Socaciu enters into a dialogue with the public on the topic of effective altruism, moral duty, but also the possibility of an objective moral vision. Whatever the theme selected, the analysis will be directed towards the possible correlations with the political sphere.
Alexandru Dincovici presents, on November 8, starting from aspects of the use of language, the ways in which scientific discourse can create realities and offers examples from psychology, psychiatry, economics and politics.
Claudiu Tănăselia addresses, on November 9, the moon landing and places it in the interval between what we can say clearly about the process, with comparative reference to the Artemis and Apollo programs, and what is fake-news about the current space missions.
Mircea Dumitru, on November 23, explores the ways in which we construct the meanings of the things we operate with, from the perspective of semantic relationism. Our mind projects meaning to the elements we interact with and, in this way, our experiences become real.
“In the panels of the SETbv Dialogues, we approach educational topics from three perspectives:
On November 22, together with four students studying in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Romania, we discuss their university experiences and invite the public to discover what is common and what differentiates practices in European universities. On December 6, our guests are three students with whom we will analyze the pre-university education system in Romania. On December 7, we close the series of SETbv Dialogues from the 3rd edition Braşov Science, Education & Technology with a dialogue with Radu Uszkai and Mugur Martinescu about what Artificial Intelligence used in education means, the advantages and risks associated with its use and how we can form by integrating it into our life”,
the organizers said.

Workshops, courses, seminars
Within SETbv, there will be several workshops with themes from various fields, such as: political culture, disinformation in social media and cyber security, science discovered with passion through experiments, climate change and mobility in an increasingly connected world.
At the 3rd edition of SETbv, the organizers propose the exploration of complex social phenomena that generate intense debates in many countries, through the course “Culture Shift: From Tribes to TikTok”, in which the topics addressed will be migration, family, social media and religion. Also, the Philosophy Seminar is built as a challenge to dialogue and critical initiative about 13 philosophical ideas that have marked our cultural evolution.
The links to register for workshops, courses and seminars are accessible here on the Program or Workshops section.

Film screenings
Along with Kinedok, there will also be film screenings at SETbv. Access to SETbv events is free, subject to availability! Details about the events and the complete program are available respectively on the social networks of the District Hub Association and the Apollonia Cultural Center.

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